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January 15th 2022


Home made performance
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Grace asks for a Ukulele for her 11th birthday
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Home made performance
On the SMULE app
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13th birthday
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Grace's 14th birthday
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Grace turns 15
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Grace's 16th Birthday
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Grace turns 17
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Grace turns 19
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Grace turns 20
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Grace turns 18

Recording of the liv on "IG live"

For Grace's birthday, Grace and Olivia went to San Francisco for a concert with the band Mother Mother. Unfortunately, the concert was canceled as one of the band members had tested positive for Covid19. The concert would have been the first on Mother Mother's "The Inside Tour".

Grace went live on IG for half an hour while waiting to go to the concert, and for Olivia to get ready. Grace was ready much too early and was very bored – and excited about going.

Grace, once again, talked about how she was releasing music soon “And it’s actually very good". A viewer asked about the vibes for the new music: “well, I don’t know. I don’t even know if there is a vibe to it. It’s just kind of like what I always do. It’s different because I am a lot better. I can sing better than I could". “Is it all pop?" someone asked: "I would say it’s a fusion. But most of all, honestly, I would say that it’s just – I didn’t want to go for anything in the studio, I genuinely just wanted to go along and not try to do anything or “be" an aesthetic. I feel we just made the music. And did it well."

About their day, Grace explained: “We flew to SF, which was the longest flight of my life, it was really hard. We got here and we are staying in this really nice hotel, that my parents gifted me. Olivia woke me up today with a muffin with candles and it was really sweet. Then we went to brunch. And we went to the tattoo place." Grace had gotten a new tattoo on her wrist.