Filming for Megalopolis + New career as a Lounge Singer
Grace posted two videos to Instagram of her lipsyncing to recordings of herself singing "Cry Me A River" and "Killing Me Softly", with the caption: "New series I’m beginning “lounge singer shit" also yes the wine glass is an essential prop". A few hours later, she answered a request from a follower online and posted a clip on TikTok of her singing Amy Winehouse's "Love Is a Loosing Game" (again lipsyncing to a homemade recording). She added a bit of reverb on all three recordings and accompanied herself on the guitar for "Cry Me a River" and on keyboard for "Killing Me Softly" and "Love Is a Loosing Game".
The information about the filming is based on the call(s) for extras. Grace may not necessarily have been involved in the shoot on all of these days, and she will have been shooting on other days as well, doing scenes where no fans were involved. There is at the time of writing (the day after the event) no Grace-related media for this event.