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Performance [140] 7-Feb-2018 (Just the Beginning Tour - Headliner)



“Inside the club was a massively enthralled and enthused crowd and it didn't take long for me, one of the few older guys in the club, to also be completely swept away by her performance. It was a dazzling show that felt fresh, sincere, bold but also simple, (Bob Boilen NPR June 6, 2018) He came to the concert believing it to be with another artist, and later invited her to perform at the NPR tiny desk (see performance# 64)

“Her vocal range is quite expansive and versatile; she can go from a soft whisper or a raspy growl to a straight up empowering roar. Her lyrics are thoughtful and engaging, unlike a lot of the other ubiquitous nonsense occupying the pop music sphere today. Anyone who has witnessed Grace perform on television or in person will tell you she has an unbelievable amount of poise and confidence for someone her age. She commanded the audience and the stage — whether it was standing prominently at the centre or dangling her feet while sitting on the edge — better than some performers multiple times her age”. (Park Life DC 2 July 18)

In the audience were Washington Capitals forwards Tom Wilson and Brett Connolly.

(Theresa G. Sanchez)


Grace Vanderwaal - Ukulele, tambourine, vocals

Destiny Petrell - Guitar, vocals

Gabe Rudner - Keyboards, vocals

Ben Masters - Percussion


View Full Performance

1. Moonlight Part of (1m2s). Some distortion on sound. Lightly edited
2. Insane Sometimes Part of (1m15s)
3. Clay Almost complete
4. Burned Part of (57s)
5. Sick of Being Told Part of (1m17s)
6. Gossip Girl
7. City Song Part of (58s)
8. Home (Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - Cover)
9. Light The Sky The last chorus is not included
10. River (Leon Bridges - Cover)
11. Escape My Mind End is missing
12. Talk Good In her Intro to Talk Good (at 25:05) Grace reveals that the business phone call where she fumbled the words was about ”Moonlight”.
Version: 2
13. A Better Life Almost complete (last few seconds missing)
14. Clearly (Johnny Nash - Reimagination) Version: 1 (first)
15. Florets
16. Beautiful Thing First and last few seconds missing
17. So Much More Than This End missing
18. I Don't Know My Name

Reviews, Recaps, Behind the Scenes etc.

Type Comment Link
Performance related Washington Capitals forwards Tom Wilson and Brett Connolly goes to a GW concert
Performance related Fan Recap
Review (NPR Music) The review is in the text under the NPR performance
Review (Park Life DC) Grace Vanderwaal commanded the audience and the stage
Timeline content Grace Vanderwaal Timeline on Facebook

Times Performed

Grace has performed: 2 times at this venue, 5 times in this city, 5 times in this state, 498 times in this country