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Performance [152] 26-Mar-2018 (Homemade)


Grace sings (parts of) several songs, some she remembers better than others, and makes an attempt at writing a song with input from her viewers about “talking a long walk and something involving pineapples, in my home town, in the rain, in the dark” – and it evolves from there, into something very different ;-)

(Off Youtube)


Grace Vanderwaal - Vocals, Guitar


1. Ride this Out (Imaginary Cities - Cover) Fragment. With Grace on guitar (first)
2. Moonlight About one verse of song
3. House of Gold (Twenty One Pilots - Cover) Part of (48s)
4. Secrets and Lies and Kisses (provisional title) Fragment. The result of an online, Realtime songwriting process on IG live beginning at 5:00. She mentioned at the Grammy Museum interview that she had finished it but was not sure what to do with it (first)

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Times Performed

Grace has performed: 76 times at this venue, 78 times in this city, 228 times in this state, 498 times in this country