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Performance [183] 7-Jul-2018 (Evolve Tour (Imagine Dragons) - Opener)



“Taking the stage while barefoot, Grace Vanderwaal, the opener for the summer leg, started the night with her heavenly voice. Known for her unique voice and her ukulele skills, the young performer started the night without the aid of an instrument. Starting with a fan favourite, Grace’s voice filled the arena as she performed and danced along to “Moonlight.” Captivating the audience throughout her set, Grace made it clear that she is meant for the stage. Only being fourteen, Grace demonstrated how truly talented she is, and that age is only a number Angel Escobar, (Melodic Magazine July 10, 2018

“I headed to my seat to see Grace Vanderwaal open. As I watched her perform, I wondered what her life was like. She was 12 years old when she got the Golden Buzzer on America’s Got Talent (watch it here ICYMI), and here, just over 2 years later, she’s on tour opening for Imagine Dragons. Part of me was envious. Being on the road, touring, is completely romanticized in my head. Grace comfortably around the stage, with her band platformed behind her. Her voice, more soulful than you’d expect from someone first seems quiet & shy, gave me chills multiple times. She played her newest single, Clearly, which samples Johnny Nash’s song 1973 “I Can See Clearly Now.” Then she made way for Imagine Dragons.” An (IDG fans experience of GW,

(Melodic Mag)


Grace Vanderwaal - Ukulele, vocals

Melissa Dougherty - Guitar, vocals

Dylan Meek - Keyboards

Ben Masters - Percussion


Setlist tentative
1?. Moonlight
2?. City Song
3. Burned Fragment (15s)
4?. Gossip Girl
5. So Much More Than This Fragment (15s)
6?. Talk Good
7. Florets Fragment (15s)
8?. Best Friend (Rex Orange County - Cover)
9?. Escape My Mind
10. I Don't Know My Name Fragment (9s)
11. Clearly (Johnny Nash - Reimagination) (Documented by video that has since been deleted)

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Times Performed

Grace has performed: 1 times at this venue, 1 times in this city, 26 times in this state, 498 times in this country