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An hour past rain (Original)

Type: Played online
Times Performed: 0


A spoken word, poem-like song. Grace supplied the lyrics herself in the comments for the Soundcloud post, with the intro: "Lyrical song so please read along---"

(You can find an explanation for the name of Grace's Songcloud account here: About "Evangela Christ" )

Grace has since deleted the piece from SoundCloud.
(Screenshot from Soundcloud page)


2020.09.10 Not performed. Song originally posted to Soundcloud.

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Song related contentEvangala Christ - "An Hour Past Rain" (Lyric Video)


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An hour past rain still dranken by the soil
Leaves reaching off twigs, still living through an hour past rain,
that the people are celebrating its forever ago finishing.

Past living as present
Clocks tick
But the seconds aren’t relevant
The ground inhales
As the people exhale their turmoil

All the people know are theories

So maybe that’s what feeds the soil

I don’t wanna sound to rhymey
I hate when I sound to rhymey
But I also hate when I can’t rhyme

Hands interlocked
Thousands of feet harden, and flatten the sidewalk

The light of a star in the vast, spacious, black sky,
Pierce the peoples blood glass eyes
…..that star died out thousands of years ago
But the peoples word « now » has yet to tell them so

Past living as present
I am born, alive, and dead, all in the same life
All in the same second
All in the same non apply(able) concept of « second »

All knowledge written and told
Is merely what a pen, tongue, words, expression, communication, and human grasp could hold

All the people know are theories

Deemed a synonym for facts

All the people know are theories

So maybe life’s just that
Just that.

Covers and Remixes

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