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Performance [222] 7-Aug-2019 (Promotion)

Wasting Time – A Performance with Grace VanderWaal


Grace did an invite only performance for less than a 100 fans, to celebrate the release of "Waste My Time" and to launch her US tour.

YouTube Space is a physical location made by YouTube for content creators, to learn about producing content as well as providing them with facilities to create content for their YouTube channels. YouTube Space provides equipment, studio space, post-production facilities, training, and workshops. The 20,000 square-foot New York's YouTube space opened up in 2014, on the sixth floor of New York's Chelsea Market. (Wikipedia)

(Off VEVO)


Grace Vanderwaal - Ukulele, vocals

Melissa Dougherty - Guitar, vocals

Nolan Frank - Keyboards, vocals

Ben Masters - Percussion


All version 1s are the official videos except "Stray" and "So Much More Than This" (for which no official videos were released ?), these, as all the versions 2s, are from the full video, taken by a member of the audience. The sound on the version 2s is so so, but they give another perspective on the performance.
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1. Ur So Beautiful Version: 1
Version: 2
2. Stray
3. Vienna (Billy Joel - Cover) Version: 1
Version: 2
4. So Much More Than This
5. Waste My Time Version: 1 (first)
Version: 2

Reviews, Recaps, Behind the Scenes etc.

Type Comment Link
Media, PR etc Grace VanderWaal’s ‘Ur So Beautiful’ live proves the talented singer doesn’t need auto-tune
Timeline content Grace Vanderwaal Timeline on Facebook

Times Performed

Grace has performed: 2 times at this venue, 66 times in this city, 228 times in this state, 498 times in this country