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Performance [246] 16-Sep-2019 (Ur so Beautiful Tour - Headliner)



"When Grace VanderWaal took the stage (barefoot of course), I couldn’t help but stop to take a minute to look at the audience around me. The majority of the audience was entirely younger children and their parents. It really warmed my heart to know that for many of these kids, this could’ve been their first concert or their first real musical interest. To see young girls who could barely reach the barricade at the front screaming and singing along the entire set was something truly magical. ... The mood was kept light, bubbly, and fun as attendees screamed and shouted the songs they knew and loved so much.

Grace VanderWaal played a fantastic set and has a truly unique voice. If you closed your eyes, you would probably have no idea that she was so young because of it. I think that in this way it’s also nice to see that she could appeal to an older audience as well. If the chance pops up to see her, please take it. After getting the chance to see her perform and seeing how well she’s already doing onstage, it makes me excited to see how she is going to grow as an artist moving forward."

(Photographer Nicole Dibenedetto, for Soundbites Media, Sep. 19, 2019)

(Cami Liberty /Unclear Mag)


Patrick Martin - Opener

Grace Vanderwaal - Ukulele, vocals

Melissa Dougherty - Guitar, vocals

Nolan Frank - Keyboards, trumpet, guitar, vocals

Ben Masters - Percussion


1. Ur So Beautiful
2. Escape My Mind Version: 1: Fragment (28s)
Version: 2: Fragment (27s) from the recap video. Bad sound quality but does not require membership of the Facebook group
3. Clearly (Johnny Nash - Reimagination) Version: 1: Part of (1:20) from 0:35 (Facebook so no timestamps)
Version: 2: Fragment from the recap video. Bad sound quality but does not require membership of the Facebook group
4. Talk Good
5. The City
6. Moonlight Fragment (28 sec) beginning is missing
7?. Gossip Girl
8?. Poseur
9?. Stray
10. Vienna (Billy Joel - Cover) Part of (50s) from 2:56 (Facebook so no timestamps)
11?. City Song
12?. I Don't Like You
13. Florets Part of (58s)
14. Best Friend (Rex Orange County - Cover) Part of (1 min)
15. So Much More Than This Fragment (36s) from 4:48 (Facebook so no timestamps)
16. I Don't Know My Name Part of (1 min) from 5:32 in video (Facebook so no timestamps)
17. Waste My Time Fragment (30s) from 1:09 (Facebook so no timestamps)

Reviews, Recaps, Behind the Scenes etc.

Type Comment Link
Recap Video recap made by an audience member
Review (Soundbites Media) Photoseries and review
Media, PR etc Impressions (not a review)
Media, PR etc Photos from concert
Media, PR etc Supplementary mediacollection
Timeline content Grace Vanderwaal Timeline on Facebook

Times Performed

Grace has performed: 1 times at this venue, 1 times in this city, 4 times in this state, 498 times in this country