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Performance [289] 12-Nov-2020 (Multiconcert)

Singer-Songwriter concert


This was Grace's first public performance at Interlochen. Grace was unaware that the outside world - her fans - knew about this, and after she discovered that recordings of her performance were posted on YouTube, she asked that they be taken down.

The school quickly edited Grace's performance out of the recorded stream that they had put on their website.

With the possible exception of Andrew Siehr, all the musicians were students at Interlochen.


Grace Vanderwaal - Vocals

Levi Ebnit - Electric guitar

Jerry Buxade - Electric bass

Julian Naimon - Piano

Andrew Siehr - Organ pedals

Daniel Haubner - Loop


1. Rage

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Times Performed

Grace has performed: 1 times at this event, 11 times at this venue, 11 times in this city, 14 times in this state, 467 times in this country