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Performance [299] 2-Dec-2020 (Homemade)

At her parent's house
On the coast, South Carolina - USA


Grace played about a minute of a new song, playing a guitar that sounded seriously out of tune. As Grace has always been meticulous about the tuning of her instruments, we assume that she did this on purpose.

Grace write in her poste:
"i wanna be the girl that you write songs about -edit- ok also HUGE DISCLAIMER I KNOW I FUCKING SUCK AT GUITAR 🤠🔫🔫 I JUST WRITE ON IT AND USE MY IMAGINATION"

(Off video)


Grace Vanderwaal - Vocals, guitar


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Times Performed

Grace has performed: 24 times at this venue, 24 times in this city, 27 times in this state, 467 times in this country