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Performance [300] 5-Dec-2020 (Homemade)

At her parent's house
On the coast, South Carolina - USA


Once again Grace seeks the ambience (and solitude?) of a bathroom to perform a song, a fragment of which she posted on Instagram with the caption:

"I’m sitting in a shower.. but I’ve felt a release lately. I feel like I’m finally coping with years of resentment and mental battles. I feel like I’m ready to better myself and actually help myself. I’m ready to not be angry anymore. And somethings I’m not ready to forgive and heal. Some things I want to still hurt and be angry at and that’s okay. Something light put it’s hand on me recently . I can’t explain it but I’ve been filled with hope and motivation to get better and heal my past. I’m so excited for the future for all of us. Everyday is a gift of potential progression and new beginnings"

She took down the post again 4 days later.

Source: Grace Vanderwall (official) on Instagram
(Off video)


Grace Vanderwaal - Vocals, guitar


After the short fragment constituting this performance is an unrelated clip of "Don't assume what you don't know" from a performance on Apr. 1,. 2020
1. I Can't Watch You (Provisional Title) Fragment (15s) (first)

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Times Performed

Grace has performed: 23 times at this venue, 23 times in this city, 26 times in this state, 498 times in this country