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Performance [303] 15-Dec-2020 (Homemade)

At her parent's house
On the coast, South Carolina - USA


Grace posted this fragment of a song on Instagram with the caption:

"Bad little boy adventure time cover I’m trying to get good at- disregard my playing🤢🤮anyways also this video makes a PERFECT loop what I didn’t even mean to do that anyways anyways does literally anyone know this song like would you want a full cover"

She removed the post again, soon after.

(Off YouTube)


Grace Vanderwaal - Vocals, guitar


The video is a cleaned up version extending it from about 33sec to 1:06m by repeating the first part
1. Bad Little Boy (Cover) Fragment (33s but repeated to make video 1:06m) (first)

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Times Performed

Grace has performed: 24 times at this venue, 24 times in this city, 27 times in this state, 467 times in this country