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Fucked Up Years (Original)

Type: Played online
Writers: Grace Vanderwaal, Grace Vanderwaal
Times Performed: 0



2022.07.23 Not performed, but made available on Soundcloud

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It don’t speak loud
Tape it’s mouth
Killed by lightning
What happened to my own?
on my own
teeth are grinding
plain sight, hiding

And I’m going to clubs, trying out drugs, doing too much, counting on us
but it stays right there
fucked up years
and when I run, like glue, it comes, a shadow
that’s not my own
it stays right there, won’t disappear

Try to find my out
Used to be fearless
but now I’m worried
that all along, well,
it wasn’t the home, wasn’t the family, wasn’t the shit town, it was always me

And I’m going to clubs, trying out drugs, doing too much, counting on us
but it stays right there
fucked up years
and when I run, like glue, it comes, a shadow
that’s not my own
it stays right there, so I’ll just disappear

Disappear, disappear
Disappear, disappear

And I’m staying late
that I was running from
the past
but I was trying to run from it
So what do I do now
that I was running to the future
but the fucked up past is—

need some help
need some help
need some help

And I’m going to clubs, I’m trying out drugs, I’m doing too much, I’m counting on us
but it stays right there
my fucked up years
and when I run, like glue, it comes, a shadow
that’s not my own
it stays right there, so I’ll just stay right here
It all just stays so near
So I’ll just disappear

Disappear, disappear

Fucked up years, fucked up years

Covers and Remixes

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