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Performance [35] 20-Jul-2016 (Homemade)


Grace sings a couple of songs by the pool. She explains that she has got a better camera and a tripod. As the only video of her singing IDKMN at home is not of very good quality, she can now make a better one. She also does a cover of 21 Pilot's We Don't Believe Whats on TV"

This is one of three performances from this day.

(Off YouTube)


Grace Vanderwaal - Ukulele, vocals


1. I Don't Know My Name Song starts at 0:53 (Timestamps not allowed)
2. We Don't Believe What's on TV (Twenty One Pilots - Cover) Video no longer available

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Times Performed

Grace has performed: 76 times at this venue, 78 times in this city, 214 times in this state, 467 times in this country