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Performance [360] 22-Mar-2020 (Homemade)


A very relaxed Grace sang five songs with a few false starts, chatted, was interrupted by Olivia a couple of times - being silly as always. She also learned the similarity between the moon and a banana...

(Off Youtube)


Grace Vanderwaal - Vocals, Ukulele, Guitar


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1. Lonely (Noah Cyrus - Cover) The video is from IGLives - so no timestamps. Song starts at 7m 12s
2. Valerie (Amy Winehouse - Cover) Trying Valerie on the Uke.
3. I Don't Like You The video is from IGLives - so no timestamps. Song starts at 29m
4. Love is a losing game (Amy Winehouse - Cover) (interupted twice by Olivia) (first)
5. Leave the light on (Priscilla Ahn - Cover) Part of (1:16m), as Grace's phone ran out of power. The video is from IGLives - so no timestamps. Song starts at 55m 34s (first)

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Grace has performed: 76 times at this venue, 78 times in this city, 228 times in this state, 498 times in this country