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Performance [374] 20-Mar-2022 (Homemade)


Grace posted this homemade production on Instagram (apprantly lipsyncing to her own production). Notice Olivia on the bed in the back, appearing uninterested - but tapping her foot to the beat anyways. An Instagram user commented "Your sister was unimpressed hahah" Grace answered: "lmao always is😂"

Fanderwaal Sam Borgman made an enhanced audio version (version 2 below). In his comments for his video he writes: "Her production ideas are so seasoned already. The minimal instrumentation here is genius. At 0:38 she adds a synth emulating a Hammond organ through a slowly rotating Leslie speaker. It blends with the guitar beautifully, which is how it would be done by a professional. Just give her a fully equipped studio already and she will become a one-woman music-making force the world has never seen before."

Source: Grace Vanderwall (official) on Instagram


Grace Vanderwaal - Vocals, guitar, production


1. Cry me a river (Cover) Version: 1: 2:20 minutes posted on Instagram
Version: 2: Enhanced sound version

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Times Performed

Grace has performed: 21 times at this venue, 25 times in this state, 467 times in this country