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Performance [42] 18-Aug-2016 (Homemade)


Grace in her introduction to this her first performance of ”Gossip Girl”: This is a new song I wrote called ”Gossip Girl” and it’s really just about someone who … I feel like all of us have encountered at least once in our lives. It’s just someone that like earned your trust and you tell them secrets and stuff, and they just kind of let it out to everyone.
Later she told ”Paste Magazine” that: “It’s about a friend that was so close and then just kind of turned her back, and I think we have all had an experience similar to that. I kept on dreading on it, I just needed to get it out of my system” (Interview with Paste Magazine 23. Jan 2017)

(Off YouTube)


Grace Vanderwaal - Ukulele, vocals


1. Gossip Girl (first)

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Grace has performed: 76 times at this venue, 78 times in this city, 228 times in this state, 498 times in this country