Inspired by Prince, Michael Jackson, and the high-energy, mercurial, electro-pop of bands like Phoenix and MGMT, the singer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist self-released his eponymous debut album in 2009, followed in 2011 by the Dance EP, and his sophomore full-length The Human Condition. A second EP, Waves, arrived in 2012.(profile on Allmusic)
Credist, discography and profile on
As a rule, we only have bios on artists that Grace has worked with or who have had a part in the creation or production of her music. The amount of information on each of these artists varies greatly, dependent on how much has been readily available. We have tried to identify the artists correctly, but sometimes it has been difficult to determine who exactly is behind the name. Unless otherwise stated, the bios are based on data retrieved at the start of 2021.
Over the Rainbow
Role: Arranger and strings arranger