"Ian MacGregor is an accomplished electrical engineer, who creates gear under the banner of Standard Audio, in addition to having made designs for Shadow Hills Industries. When he's not creating fantastic gear, Ian is working in the studio. The Grammy-nominated engineer has worked alongside legendary producer Greg Wells at Rocket Carousel Studio for almost a decade. The duo have worked with artists like Katy Perry, The All-American Rejects, MIKA, and Twenty One Pilots.”As a kid in high school, I was always in bands and started making records and recording on Tascam 4-track cassette tape machines. Then I moved onto computers and realized that I liked recording more than being in the band, so that’s the direction I went.”
“I've been engineering for Greg [Wells] for almost 10 years. I started in 2009. He’s taught me so much. I basically have a career because of him, to a certain degree. I definitely learned a lot from him about working with artists that are rock stars like Katy Perry, All-American Rejects and Regina Spektor. When a legit rock star walks into the room, how are you supposed to act and behave around them? He's tought me a lot about how to be around artists. Another important thing I've learned is that songs are key. Songs are the most important part. Everyone kind of says that, but until you have to work it, until you’re in the trenches, working and engineering every day... It’s one of those things that everyone says, but I don’t know if they know what they mean when they say it. Working with Greg, I get attached to a lot of different stuff because he’s so talented that he can work with anyone. The thing I've learned is I try to treat everyone the same. If Katy Perry walks in the door, you know, you freak out a little bit, but you treat the indie band with no budget the exact same way.”
(Excerpts from great article on vintageking.com with lots of interesting details about music producing 20 Questions With Ian MacGregor undated, retrieved march 2021)"
As a rule, we only have bios on artists that Grace has worked with or who have had a part in the creation or production of her music. The amount of information on each of these artists varies greatly, dependent on how much has been readily available. We have tried to identify the artists correctly, but sometimes it has been difficult to determine who exactly is behind the name. Unless otherwise stated, the bios are based on data retrieved at the start of 2021.