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Performance [474] 14-May-2020 (Homemade)

IG Live from the treehouse


Two-hour-long live stream, with Grace playing the Sax!, goofing with Olivia, answering questions, giving advice, singing a couple of songs - sort of (her computer died and she couldn't quite remember the texts), and finally, attempting to write a song, live. She went through several iterations before arriving at something like a complete song

(Off YouTube)


Grace Vanderwaal - Vocals, Guitar, Saxophone


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1. Love is a losing game (Amy Winehouse - Cover) Short (1m26s), Grace improvises some of the text, as she can't remember it.
2. Feeling good (Cover) Abt. 2 minutes of the song which she had just learnt On IG live (which does not allow timestamps)
3. Today and Tomorrow On IG live (which does not allow timestamps) at apx 2 hours 25 minutes
4. Little Things Version: 1 (first)
Version: 2: An edited version (without the breaks)
5. Call Your Phone (first)

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Times Performed

Grace has performed: 76 times at this venue, 78 times in this city, 228 times in this state, 498 times in this country