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Performance [9] 1-Dec-2016 (Homemade)

On the SMULE app


"Duet" with Charlie Puth on the SMULE app"

@GraceVanderWaal also you are just so unbelievably talented. congrats on everything! :) let's write a song — Charlie Puth (@charlieputh) September 26, 2016

@charlieputh That would be so unbelievable, just say when and I will be there 😂😵 — (@GraceVanderWaal) September 29, 2016

Of course, that collaboration never happened.

”Smule” is a music app initially released under the name Sing! Karaoke in 2012. Users choose a song and either sing along to it as a solo, duet, or group performance. Users can enable video recording mode if they want to record both video and audio.

Recorded Nov. 11, 2016

(Off Youtube)


Grace Vanderwaal - Vocals


1. One Call Away (Charlie Puth - Cover) (first)

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Performance related Charlie Puth - Grace Vanderwaal writing song together?

Times Performed

Grace has performed: 498 times in this country