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Performance [98] 17-Jun-2017 (Promotion)

Spotify ''Kimono'' Event

Spotify offices


Grace performed for a small audience, most of whom had won tickets to the event, at Spotiify headquarters, Tokyo - in full kimono attire.

Grace VanderWaal, @GraceVanderWaal. 17. jun. 2017 "Had so much fun at the Spotify event today performing in traditional Japanese attire. Learning so much about this great country .#YouMeJapan" (Grace on Twitter)

(Grace on Twitter)


Grace Vanderwaal - Vocals, Ukulele

Reviews, Recaps, Behind the Scenes etc.

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Media, PR etc Jake Udells Video from and around the evnt
Timeline content Grace Vanderwaal Timeline on Facebook

Times Performed

Grace has performed: 1 times at this event, 1 times at this venue, 8 times in this city, 8 times in this country